
In the center of Romagna.
The ideal place to reach the most beautiful destinations.

Lugo is located at the crossroads between the San Vitale SP253R provincial road (which connects Bologna to Ravenna) and the Felisio SP7 provincial road.

Looking at it from above, the city plan of Lugo faithfully follows the profile of an airplane. A fortuitous case, but also very appropriate considering that this city was the birthplace of the oldest and most famous Italian air hero: Francesco Baracca.


Mirabilandia is a theme and water amusement park in the municipality of Ravenna, Italy. With a total surface area of ​​850,000 m², of which 550,000 occupied by the theme park, 120,000 by the aquatic area and the remainder by car parks, it is the largest amusement park in Italy.


The Enzo and Dino Ferrari racetrack, commonly known as the Imola racetrack, is a racing circuit located in the municipality of Imola, in the metropolitan city of Bologna.


The medieval village of Brisighella lies on the first hills that reach from Faenza to Florence. In a dominant position, from the top of the three hills, there are the Rocca Manfrediana, the Monticino sanctuary and the Clock Tower. One of the symbols of the village is the Via degli Asini, a fascinating elevated road which in ancient times rested on a large rock base whose purpose was defensive.


The Po Delta regional park of Emilia-Romagna is a protected natural area established in 1988 of approximately 54,000 hectares located in the Emilia-Romagna region.


Ravenna is a city in Emilia Romagna known for the colorful mosaics that decorate many of the buildings in the historic center, for example the Basilica of San Vitale, with an octagonal plan, the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, dating back to the 6th century, and the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia with a cross plan. North of the center is the Mausoleum of Theodoric, built in the 6th century for King Theodoric the Great, a circular Gothic stone funerary building with a monolithic dome


Bologna is the lively and ancient capital of Emilia-Romagna, in Northern Italy. Its Piazza Maggiore is a large square surrounded by porticoes, rooms and medieval and Renaissance structures such as Palazzo d'Accursio, the Fountain of Neptune and the Basilica of San Petronio. Among the medieval towers of the city, the two pendants of the Asinelli and that of the Garisenda stand out.


Cesena is an Italian municipality of 95,660 inhabitants, capital of the province of Forlì-Cesena together with Forlì, in Emilia-Romagna. The Malatestiana Library of Cesena was founded in the mid-15th century thanks to the joint efforts of the lord of the city, Domenico Malatesta, and the Franciscan friars of the local convent, who housed the collection of books in their buildings: this monastic library differed from the others for having been set up as a civic institution, i.e. entrusted to the care of municipal bodies. The first of its kind, it grew in fame and importance throughout the modern age and collected several manuscript works, chained to a series of plutei located in the Nuti Hall.


Milano Marittima is a seaside village in the municipality of Cervia, known for its tourist vocation. Immersed in the pine forest of Cervia, it borders to the north with the town of Lido di Savio, included in the municipality of Ravenna, and to the south with Cervia. The border between the two locations is given by the Madonna del Pino canal


Cesenatico is an Italian municipality of 25,933 inhabitants in the province of Forlì-Cesena in Emilia-Romagna. A well-known seaside resort and tourist destination, it is located in the center of the Romagna Riviera, between Rimini and Ravenna. The Canal Port is the main axis around which the historic center of Cesenatico rises, and on whose docks the social life and promenades of citizens and tourists still take place. The port, in its innermost section, still follows the lines drawn in 1502 by Leonardo Da Vinci, called by Cesare Borgia to suggest improvements to the pre-existing landing place.


Faenza is an Italian municipality of 58,739 inhabitants in the province of Ravenna in Emilia-Romagna. The city is historically known for the production of artistic ceramics, in particular majolica, so renowned as to be de facto recognized internationally with the term "Faience".

All to be discovered.

Piazza Trisi

In front of the Rocca stands the Pavaglione, a unique structure of its kind which constitutes a formidable example of a natural shopping centre, designed and built over two centuries ago. The imposing quadriportico, designed by Giuseppe Campana from Ferrara, who grafted it onto the loggia built in the 16th century and completed it in 1783, was initially designed to accommodate the silkworm cocoon market, which was very flourishing at the time. In fact, it seems that the name derives from the Latin papilio or, according to others, from the French papillon.

The Pavaglione, today as in the past, hosts workshops, shops, fairs and, in addition to the Wednesday market with its six hundred years of history, hosts numerous spectacular events that enliven the city throughout the year, carrying on an ancient tradition. In fact, there is documentation of musical works created in this space since the end of the 17th century.

Piazza Baracca

Right next to the Rocca stands the glorious Monument to Francesco Baracca, Italian aviation ace of the First World War. Commissioned immediately after the hero's death by a committee chaired by the Duke of Aosta, the work was entrusted to the eminent Faenza sculptor Domenico Rambelli.

If you have the opportunity to visit it in the evening, when the square is not excessively crowded, thanks to the clever lighting it will be easier to notice the balance of the three large geometric volumes made up of the statue, the base on which it rests and the large wing placed behind him. The planning of the monumental complex cost the sculptor over three years, the construction almost six, the work was inaugurated on 21 June 1936.

The bronze statue, approximately six meters high, is hoisted on a base, covered in Tivoli travertine, which bears the dates and locations of the aviator's victories. On the sides of the wing, also in travertine, are carved the symbols of the departments to which Baracca belonged in the Cavalry and Air Force: the Prancing Horse with the motto "Ad Majora" and the Hippogriff. The work is considered, by most critics, as one of the greatest expressions of twentieth-century Italian sculpture due to its expressive and symbolic power.

Via Baracca, 65

You cannot say you have visited Lugo without having made at least a brief visit to the museum that the city has dedicated to its most famous hero.

In the birthplace of the Lugo air ace (the building, rebuilt in Art Nouveau style by the family and donated by his father Enrico to the Municipality) today houses a collection of memorabilia and objects belonging to Francesco Baracca. In the rooms it is possible to admire, among other things, the 1917 Spad VII plane on which the "gentleman of the air" achieved one of his 34 victories, as well as numerous personal effects of the famous "ace of aces". On one side of the fuselage appears the personal emblem of Major Baracca, the Prancing Horse, known throughout the world for having been adopted by Enzo Ferrari as the coat of arms for the "reds" of Maranello. The museum operates in close collaboration with the Friends of the Francesco Baracca Museum association, which has the aim of historical research and promotion.

Hours: 10:00 – 12:00 and 16:00 – 18:00; closed: 01/01, 15/05, 2nd and 3rd week of August, from 25th to 31st December

Tel. info. 0545 24821 / 38561

Piazzale Cavour, 17

Visitabile su appuntamento e in occasione di spettacoli, mostre e manifestazioni – Info tel. 0545 38540
Nelle sue linee complessive, il teatro di Lugo si pone come uno dei più interessanti teatri all’italiana ell’Emilia-Romagna presenta notevoli somiglianze con il Comunale di Bologna, opera anch’esso del Bibiena. Sorge sul lato ovest del Pavaglione, e la sua posizione non è casuale, in quanto esistono documentazioni di numerosi eventi teatrali organizzati fin dalla metà del 1600 in una vicina zona del Prato della Fiera e nel loggiato cinquecentesco. Le parti principali della sua struttura sono state costruite nel biennio 1758 – 1760 su progetto di Ambrogio Petrocchi, mentre, a partire dal 1760, i lavori interni, quali la sistemazione del palcoscenico, della platea e dei palchi sono stati completati da Antonio Galli Bibiena. Oggi, il teatro,
intitolato a Gioacchino Rossini nel 1859, si propone ancora nella sua veste settecentesca, con l’austera facciata ripartita da lesene e marcapiani. All’interno, la sala è scandita da quattro ordini di palchi cui si aggiunge il loggione. Palcoscenico e cavea occupano uno spazio equivalente. Il recente restauro ha riportato alla luce alcune splendide decorazioni a stucco settecentesche.

Piazza Martiri della Libertà

As soon as you reach the heart of the historic center of Lugo, the grandeur and grandeur of the Rocca Estense, which today houses the municipal residence, forcefully manifest themselves in the eyes of the visitor, still exerting on souls the ancient sense of deference which, for centuries, it has instilled in the hearts of the multiple hosts of conquerors who have attacked it. Leaving it clear that for centuries this magnificent example of fortified architecture has represented the fulcrum around which the city developed. What is today perhaps the most characteristic monument of Lugo was built in the late Middle Ages, almost certainly on the plan of a previous fortress.

Under the dominion of the Este family it underwent profound modifications and renovations which gave it its current appearance, although it has been the subject of continuous alterations, more or less marked, which however spared the tower located to the north-west, the so-called "Mastio di Uguccione". della Faggiola”. In particular, the layout of the fascinating hanging garden dates back to the early nineteenth century, which is accessed from the internal courtyard, which, thanks also to the ancient cells, is undoubtedly worth a visit. Also from the early nineteenth century, the replacement of the bastioned side to the east with the current portico.

The Salone Estense, however, was recently discovered, found in the northern area of ​​the Rocca. A work created in the midst of the Italian Renaissance, it was also built by the Dukes of Este between 1437 and 1598. Its wooden ceiling is notable, embellished with decorated wooden tablets, depicting coats of arms of the Signoria and symbols of the so-called exploits of Borso d' Este.

Weekday hours: 08:00 – 19:00; Saturday, 08:00 – 13:00 – Info tel. 0545 38414


Free cancellation within 72 hours of check-in.

Information on timetables:
Check-in: 3.00 pm
Check-out: 10.00 am


Barbone Chic Apartments
Via della Libertà, 13
48022 Lugo (RA)
Tel. +39 346 2232847

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